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Partnerships / Research

Well known as one of the most dynamic French universities in terms of research (ranked 5th on the Industry and Technology charts 2016), Toulouse INP has a long tradition of partnership with socio-economic actors: industrial groups, SMEs, public institutions and start-ups.


The industrial partnerships included in the Toulouse INP DNA

With 600 partnership research contracts in progress and 300 new contracts a year, Toulouse INP is at the heart of the action for innovation and economic development.


Among the main missions: the valorisation of research

The current portfolio of Toulouse INP has more than 150 patents; an average of 12 new patents are filed each year. Many software and know-how are also produced in the laboratories of Toulouse INP.




6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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  • Logo INP