Scientific Partnerships

The research at Toulouse INP relies on approximately 700 researchers grouped in 17 laboratories associated with the CNRS, INRA and other universities in Toulouse. The two main fields of research of Toulouse INP are:

  • Physical science and Engineering for Energy, Climate, Digitalisation and Materials
  • Life Science and Engineering for Agronomy, Agribusiness and Environment

Links with industry

Competitive clusters

Seven competitive clusters approved by the State are based in Occitanie:

  • Aeronautics, Space et Embedded Systems (Aerospace Valley)
  • Cancer Bio Health
  • Agri Sud-Ouest innovation
  • Derbi
  • Water
  • Elopsys
  • Ceramics European cluster


Labcom - Joint Laboratory with SMEs

The Labcom or Joint Laboratories are new schemes funded by the ANR (National Research Agency) to encourage the R & D partnership of SMEs and ETI. Clearly recognising the quality of the research carried out in our laboratories and our experience in partnership research, the ANR has decided to support three Labcom projects at Toulouse INP:

  • Sophy (green chemistry)
    Sophy Research and Innovation Laboratory (for optimum stability of hydrocolloid emulsions). Hosted by the LGC laboratory and the SME Caragum.
  • Cocoon (Aeronautics and Space)
    Joint laboratory for coatings on three-dimensional surfaces. Supported by the Cirimat laboratory and the Mecano engineering and development company.
  • C2R Bionut (agribusiness)
    Renewable carbon chemistry for bio-fertilisation and plant nutrition. Hosted by the LCA laboratory and the Agronutrition company.





Through its laboratories, Toulouse INP is involved in four Instituts Carnot

  • Carnot Chimie Balard CIRIMAT (UMR CNRS/Toulouse INP/UPS) 
    The former Institut Carnot Cirimat approached the Institut Carnot Chimie Balard of Montpellier to create the IC Chimie Balard CIRIMAT. It develops multidisciplinary research concerning all major families of materials (metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites) from their conception to their behaviour in service.
    The research themes touch on the reactivity of surfaces, interfaces and systems with a high surface / volume ratio, and the dynamics of heterogeneous systems.
  • 3BCAR
    Located in the Île-de-France and Occitanie regions, this institute aims to "support the development of green chemistry from renewable carbon". It is carried out by INRA, INSA Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP, CIRAD, Montpellier Supagro, Université de Montpellier-II and Agro ParisTech. The laboratories involved from Toulouse INP are LGC and LCA.
  • France Futur Elevage
    This Institut Carnot for animal health is devoted to "agro-industries of the livestock sector and advanced agronomic research". INRA, CIRAD, Université Toulouse III- Paul-Sabatier, the Ecole nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse (ENVT), Agro Toulouse (Toulouse INP-ENSAT), the Ecole d’ingénieurs de PURPAN (Toulouse INP-PURPAN) ) and Oniris (National Veterinary School, agri-food and food Nantes-Atlantique) are the relevant leaders of the project. The laboratory involved from Toulouse INP is GENPHYSE.
    Based in Aquitaine, this institute is devoted to the field of sustainable engineering of fossil resources with a budget of 31 million euros. It is supported by the CNRS, the IRD, Toulouse INP, Rhodia, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, Université de Bordeaux-I, Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour and Total. The laboratory involved representing Toulouse INP is the IMFT.



As part of the future investments for higher education and research, 100 laureates were selected following the "Laboratories of excellence" call for projects. Among the three Toulouse winners:

  • Cimi (International Centre of Mathematics and Software in Toulouse)
    Project in which Irit laboratory collaborates actively. 
  • Tulip 
    Project in which GBF is strongly involved. 
  • Labex SMS
    Project which includes two research teams from the Agir and Irit laboratories.

Chairs of Attractiveness

AXA Chair in Functional Ecology of Mountains

The AXA Chair in Functional Ecology of Mountains analyses the consequences of human activities and seeks to identify solutions to mitigate these negative impacts. The AXA Chair is also very concerned by raising awareness of the general public and  the decision-makers.

Supported by a financial endowment of 600,000 euros from AXA, and hosted at the ECOLAB laboratory (UMR CNRS-INP-UPS), this Chair will study for 5 years the effects of climate change, pollution and pathogens on mountain ecosystems and the services they provide, including the supply of clean drinking water to millions of people. On 13 June 2019, the project received the INP INNOV' 2019 award. 

Axa Chair: Functional ecology of mountains


In'FAAQT Chair

The In'FAAQT Chair is dedicated to the qualification of agri-food products involving the upstream sectors. Territorial anchoring, sector governance and marketing, sustainability, structure of agricultural enterprises, consumer expectations: these are the themes covered by this original and unique research and training programme.

In'FAAQT Chair

Scientific consortium

Discover the Econect project !

The Econect project is a consortium of nine laboratories and companies in which Toulouse INP participates and which aims to study changes together using "sentinel" species.



6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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