Two CNRS bronze medals in our laboratoriesFebruary 2020


Each year the CNRS rewards those who contributed the most to its influence and to research advances.

This year, Benjamin Erable (LGC) and Édouard Pauwels (IRIT) are awarded with the bronze medal.



Two researchers from our laboratories are awarded with the bronze medal

The bronze medal is given in recognition of the initial work of a promising researcher in their field. This distinction represents an encouragement for the CNRS to pursue well-engaged and already fruitful research.


The bronze medal is awarded on the proposal of a section of the National Committee for Scientific Research, composed of CNRS researchers, university lecturer-researchers and engineers. It is awarded each year to around forty researchers or teacher-researchers from a French scientific and technological public establishment.




  • Édouard PAUWELS - Institut de recherche en informatique de Toulouse (IRIT - Toulouse INP /Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier/CNRS) - Délégation Occitanie Ouest - Institut des sciences de l'information et de leurs interactions (INS2I)


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31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

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